D&D – Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated Dungeon – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Books in english
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Starter Set – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Damaged edge – Game in english
Pathfinder Second Edition – Arcane Spell Cards – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Very damaged box – English accessory
Pathfinder Second Edition – Arcane Spell Cards – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – English accessory
Forbidden Lands – Core Boxed Set – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Game in english
Dungeons & Dragons- Stranger Things Starter Set – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Damaged edge – Game in english
Lieux d’Aventures – Cartes et Plans
This set contains the 25 maps and plans from the book Lieux da aventures.
Degenesis – The Killing Game
This book reveals the details of the machinations on the southern coast of Franka and leads experienced players even deeper into the world of DEGENESIS.
Doctor Who- The Eighth Doctor Sourcebook
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Eighth Doctora s adventures on Earth and beyond.
Doctor Who- The Seventh Doctor Sourcebook
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Seventh Doctora s adventures on Earth and beyond.
Doctor Who- The Sixth Doctor Sourcebook
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Sixth Doctora s adventures on Earth and beyond.
13th Age Fantasy RPG – High Magic & Low Cunning
Battle Scenes: High Magic and Low Cunning brings you 45 challenging and memorable sets of battles, against enemies connected to the Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, Archmage, High Druid and The Three. Drop these fights into your game at every tier of play from edventurer to epic, and bring them to life with gorgeous maps by our expert cartographers.
Doctor Who: Fifth Doctor Sourcebook
This Sourcebook explores the Fifth Doctora s adventures on Earth andA beyond.
Z-Corps – Undead on Arrival
Ce nouveau supplA ment Z-Corps traite les A vA nements de la Semaine 9, une phase trA s importante pour One World et la suite de la A volution.A
WizKids Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures : Clear 50mm Round Base (10 ct)
Pack of 10 transparent round bases for Wizkids’ Deep Cuts Unpainted Miniatures range
Cthulhu Mythos – Le Mythe de Cthulhu par Sandy Petersen
Sandy Petersena s Cthulhu Mythos is the most comprehensive guide to including Lovecraftian elements in your Roleplaying game, written by the author of the groundbreaking Call of Cthulhu role-playing game, and developed primarily by James Jacobs (creative director of Paizo) and David N. Ross.
Deathwatch : Kit du meneur de jeu
Ce somptueux Kit du Meneur de Jeu vous aidera A lancer vos frA res de bataille dans de pA rilleuses missions ! AbritA derriA re ce robuste A cran, v…
Spectaculars – Core Game
Spectaculars is a tabletop roleplaying game where players create their own comic book universe, craft heroes and villains to populate that universe, and then play through full-length campaigns to tell incredible stories of heroism and villainy in a world of their own creation.
Star Wars – Age of Rebellion : Cyphers and Masks
Cyphers and Masks is a sourcebook for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game that greatly expands the options and opportunities for the Spy career.
Star Wars – Age of Rebellion : Engineer Signature Abilities Deck
Display your talents and immerse yourself in adventure with Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Specialization Decks!
Star Wars – Age of Rebellion : Trailblazer Specialization Deck
New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving
Star Wars – Age of Rebellion : Vanguard Specialization Deck
New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving
Star Wars – Age of Rebellion : Heavy Specialization Deck
New and experienced players alike will appreciate these handy reference cards, and GMs will love being able to keep the action moving.
Star Wars : Edge of the Empire -Entrepreneur Specialization Deck
Star WarsA : Edge of the Empirea Specialization Decks provide GMs and players with a fun and easy way to manage character and NPC talents at the gaming table