Polaris RPG – Character File
A gaming aid for all players of Polaris Roleplaying Game!
Traveller : High and Dry
InA High and DryA the Travellers are given a ship in which they can explore the galaxyA for the rest of the campaign a the only catch is that they have to find it first.
Mutant Chronicles – Bauhaus Sourcebook
Bauhaus makes the bold claim that they are the first and oldest of all corporations, forged by the turmoil of Old Earth, although their power base now resides firmly amidst the swamps and jungles of Venus.
Mutant Chronicles – Dark Symmetry Campaign
This book contains two distinct campaigns set in the Dark Symmetry era, exploring the early years of the Mutant Chronicles setting.
Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed – S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors
Identifying the lurking horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos is never an easy task, so researchers needall the help they can geta dona t leave home without the Field Guide!
Dragon Age RPG – Game Master’s Kit
The Game Master’s Kit is a key accessory for your Dragon Age RPG campaign.
FATE Worlds – Worlds Rise Up
Looking for a ready-made setting to bring to your Fate table? Fate Worlds: Worlds Rise Upbrings four outstanding settings to stimulate your imagination and get you gaming fast.
FATE Worlds – Worlds Take Flight
Looking for a ready-made setting to bring to your Fate table? Fate Worlds: Worlds Take Flight brings four outstanding settings to stimulate your imagination and get you gaming fast.
Venture City
Take a trip to Venture City, a world of superpowers, villainous corporations, and ruthless gangs, set in a near-future where powers are for sale.