In a distant time-so far in the future that either due to global warming or technological progress wind turbines are going swimmingly in Antarctic climate-sea level rise and resource consumption force mankind to invest heavily in polar research. The Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research is faced with an increasingly creative interpretation of the Antarctic Treaty System.
Hansa Teutonica
The players act as traders trying to get victory points for building a network of offices, controlling cities, collecting bonus markers or for other traders using the cities they control.
In a distant time so far in the future that either global warming or technical progress is so advanced that windmills are going swimmingly in the antarctic climate the rising sea level and increased resource consumption has driven mankind to increase investment in polar research.
Hansa Teutonica – Die Ost-Erweiterung
La Hanse allemande, ou Hansa, sa A tend dans les rA gions orientales de l’Europe. De nouvelles alliances doivent A tre forgA es et des routes mariti…
First Train to Nuremberg
A new version of Last Train to Wensleydale. A Translation provided