Jigan: The Eastern Mechanist
Jiguan – a form of ancient Chinese science and mechanical engineering. In the old days powerful weapons and machine of Jiguan were so advanced that the common people believes it to have mysterious powers.
Trials of the Temples
Every century the most powerful Archmages gather at the centre of the world.
Discovery: The Era of Voyage
With the advancement of shipbuilding technology and navigation, countless brave explorer set sail to the unknown seas.
Sorcerer & Stones
“Xian”or the “godly spirit,” is the final form that a human can become through the act of training and enlightenment. A Xian is practically immortal, and possesses godly powers.
Crows Overkill
Sanzen-sekai no karasu wo koroshi, nushi to asane gam shitemitai” (translated as “I’d kill all the crows in the world to sleep with you in the morning”) is an old song sung at a red-light district in the mid-1800s by one guest: Takasugi Shinsaku, a central figure of the early Meiji Restoration who lived a turbulent life.