Cartatoto Conjugaison
Cartatoto Conjugation: present, imperfect, indicative future and past tense is a fun educational game for learning conjugations.
Cartatoto Anglais
With Cartatoto English you can learn everyday words while having fun! Game based on the CP/CE1/CE2 curriculum.
Cartatoto Alphabet
Cartatoto Alphabet by Ducale is a game for learning the alphabet in a fun way.
Cartatoto Chiffres
My first Cartatoto is a game to discover numbers while having fun.
Color Addict Apero
Color Addict ApA ro a speed game on the theme of the aperitif where the aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards as quickly as possible by superimposing them so that there is always something in common.
Big Bug Panic
The goal of Big Bug Panic is to spot the fly and hit it! We count right side up, upside down, we hit… and especially we do not miss the fly if not we recover all the heap !
The Voting Game
The Voting Game is a party game that lets you discover the hilarious truth behind your friendships! The Voting Game is a party game that reveals the hilarious truth behind all your friendships!
Mimiq Body- Prend la pose
Mimiq Body-Take the pose is a game of memory and mime, which will work your body and promises hours of laughter.
Crazy Leon
Upstairs, downstairs, red and green… these strange beasts will turn your head!
Color Addict : Kidz
Players in turn put a card on top of the center stack. For a play to be allowed, the played card must display either the same color, or the same shape, than the top card of the stack.
With Batataille, children will have fun learning to differentiate and classify animal sizes.
Chateau de Cartes
This game is a cousin of Mille Bornes. Each player attempts to build a castle that consists of seven cards in a specified configuration.
Dessinetto is a very complete game to learn how to draw from models of increasing difficulty.
Cartatoto multiplications
A fun way to learn to multiply with these 110 cards. On one side of the card is the sum and on the other the answer. All you have to do to win is solve the problem first. Plus you can learn tricks to solve the times table more easily.
Cartatoto additions
A fun game including 110 cards in which you will learn to add up quickly. On one side of the card is the sum and on the other the answer. The more you get right the more you win.
Color Addict
In this 110 card game, you will find color names written in other colors… The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards by superimposing the words, the colors, the opposite or both…
Color Addict : Fruity
Colors get on your nerves? Here is the Fruity version, a refreshing and healthy version of Color Addict!
Jack le Pirate
Jack le pirate is very similar to BlackJack. The goal of the game is to win as many gold pieces as possible. To win the gold pieces in play, you must reach 21 or get close but not to exceed.