6 qui Prend – Extension
With these new cards and two rule variants, the game will be even more spicy.
Difference Junior
Based on the popular “spot the differences” challenges found in books, newspapers and elsewhere, Difference Junior challenges your abilities to observe and react quickly.
The players try to form snakes, which are as long as possible. A snake always consists of a head-section, at least one middle-section and a tail-section. The player who has formed the most and longest snakes wins.
Vice & Versa
Vice & Versa challenges players to spot differences in a line of five cards after looking away for a moment.
Based on the popular “spot the differences” challenges found in books, newspapers and elsewhere, Difference challenges your abilities to observe and react quickly.
Bazar Bizarre Ultime
The quick-playing reaction game Bazar Bizarre takes on new shape a and includes new shapes! a in Bazar Bizarre Ultime.
Bazar Bizarre 2.0
Bazar Bizarre 2.0 a The new version of Bazar Bizarre with different items.
Mille Sabords
In Mille Sabords, players must set off in search of treasure, pushing themselves to find as much as possible without losing their heads.
Privacy No Limit
Ici plus de Tabous, place A l’ambiance ! Un nouveau Privacy… rA servA aux adultes. …
Katamino Pocket
K Tout le plaisir de Katamino dans votre poche ! Katamino est un casse tA te trA s intelligent qui se prA sente comme un puzzle A volutif. AdaptA A …
Bazar Bizarre
Pour les piA ces en bois, la bouteille est verte, le fantA me est blanc,le fauteuil est rouge, le livre est bleu et la souris est grise ! Mais sur les…
Gang de castors – boite metal
Une bande de joyeux castors entreprend la construction d’un barrage, mais de vilains ratsA ont dA cidA de saboter leur travail : il faut s’en d
Katamino Geant
KATAMINO fait appel aux dons naturels de rA flexion et de manipulation de chacun. AdaptA A tout A ge, il permet aux enfants d’acquA rir les premiA r…
La salade des Cafards
In this wild game of discarding, the tomato is sometimes called pepper, salad, cauliflower or indeed… tomato !
6 qui prend
Play 6 qui prend! and try to collect the least number of cards marked with an “ox head”. No holds barred!