Quixo Geant
25 cubes sont prisonniers d’un plateau. Chacun A son tour saisit un cube puis le replace selon le principe du pousse-pousse. Le gagnant est le premie…
Quoridor Mini
Quoridor: The joys of the maze … For two or four playersA Your goal: to reach the first line opposite to your starting line. Your pr
Le Poker des Cafards
Les cartes reprA sentent diffA rentes sortes de bestioles trA s sympathiques (chauve-souris, cafard, crapaud, scorpion…).
Quixo Mini
5 cubes are caught in a tray. Each in turn took a cube and then puts on the principle of rickshaws. The winner is the first to create a line
La Maison des Souris
A family of little mice has moved into your home! The little rascals don’t mind taking a few things from you to decorate their mini house.
Quantik Mini
Quantik is a pure abstract strategy game. The goal is to be the first player to pose the fourth different forms of a line, a column or a square zone.
Mollo l’escargot
Don’t hurry, and you’ll be the first! This rule never applies better than in a snail race. To win, become a coach, teach your snail to be as slow as possible and to stay in the garden as long as possible. So, on your marks: ready? Drag!
The Black Plague has claimed many lives and survivors from all walks of life are now looking to the future and coming together to build new communities. We must unite to prosper!
13 Indices
London, 1899, the city is shaken by odious crimes whose perpetrators remain untraceable.
Galerapagos is a “co-opetition” game in which players struggle to survive on a desert island and build a raft to escape before a hurricane devastates them.
Le Tresor des Lutins
By taking turns placing a tile on the board, players must team up to make their way through the forest!