Mini Rafle de Chaussettes
It’s laundry day! The sock monster has turned everything upside down in the laundry room! Who will be able to put the socks back in order? A quick search game like a monster!
Mini-Le Verger
This classic game is presented in a compact version. With its simple rules and nice material, it will please the whole family.
Ghost Blaster
The old clock tower is striking midnight ! The three ghost hunters quickly reload their green goo ammunition in their handmade power pistols and enter the castle…
Pyramide d’animaux de Noel
Special Christmas edition of the Pyramid of the Animals in a collector’s iron box
Dragondraft is a game with clever draft mechanics and an immersive design.
Mini Pyramide dAnimaux
Mini Pyramid of Animals is a game with a simple ruler and wooden animals.
Mini Tresor de Glace
Mini Ice Treasure, the “children’s game of the year 2018” in a very practical travel format.
La Mine aux Tresors
La Mine aux TrA sors is a game with a large wooden hammer and an innovative game mechanic.
Petites chenilles multicolores
Le printemps est arrivA et le jardin se pare de couleurs magnifiques. Les oiseaux gazouillent, les papillons virevoltent et tous veulent jouer avec les petite chenille multicolores. Qui assemblera en premier toutes les piA ces de sa chenille multicoloreA ?
Super Mini Rafle de Chaussettes
C’est le jour de la lessive ! Le monstre aux chaussettes a mis tout sens dessus dessous dans la buanderie ! Qui pourra remettre les chaussettes en bon ordre ? Un jeu de recherche rapide comme un monstre
Mon premier tresor de jeux – La grande selection de jeux Haba
Une combinaison captivante : jeux classiques et nouveaux de damier et de cartes: – accessoires de jeu en bois, tendrement conA us pour enfants – pour une initiation rA ussie au monde des jeux – super jeux de mA moire, de parcours et de couleurs – plateaux de jeu imprimA s des deux cA tA s – 10 jeux dans une boA te Cette collection de jeux rassemble les plus beaux trA sors de jeux !
Pirates chanceux
He who accosts a Treasure Island is very lucky! But rather how unlucky when another pirate will steal your treasures!
Pompiers A vos Tuyaux !
Firefighters to your hoses! is a fun quick-fire game where everyone plays at the same time, collecting pieces of hose to connect them from the hydrant to the fire. The first player to do so wins a medal and it takes three medals to win the game.
Les Pingouins Givres
When mommy penguin hands out fish sticks, the little penguins leap from iceberg to iceberg. But when they jump on them, the icebergs keep turning around and reveal actions to be taken.
Ploufette en mission
Splash! Yet another castle resident has let something fall out of the window and roll into the castle pond.
Verger (Le) – jeu de memoire
Alert in the orchard! The bold raven would steal your fruit. Put all the fruit in a safe place by returning a result of the color of the dic
petit verger (Le)
Pierrette Poirier you will help to pick his cherries. but the cheeky raven already approaching the orchard to steal the best cherries. Are y
The Key : Vols la Villa Cliffrock
There has been a shocking string of robberies at Cliffrock Villa. Valuable works of art have been stolen! The players start their investigations and combine clues about the perpetrators, time of the crimes, stolen items, and escape plans.
Licornes dans les Nuages : Memo Magique
Play with the sparkling unicorn and her friends at a fairy-tale memorial! Whoever can best remember where the two identical pictures are and manages to form the most pairs will win the game!