La Potion des Sorciers
The apprentice wizards are gathered around the magic cauldron to prepare, according to the symbols and colours, different elixirs by turning over the right “ingredients” tiles. The first to get the right mix of magic potions will win the game.
L’Aventure 1×1
Deep in the rainforest lies a legendary city of gold. A massive mosaic portal, covered in numerical riddles, bars the entrance to the city.A
Ma Grande Collection de Jeux : Le Verger
This game collection contains versatile materials made of wood and cardboard for 10 highly diverse matching games, card games, tactile feeling games and die games.
Dino des chiffres
1, 2, 3 … Qui pourra aider le dinosaure A compter ? Il faut trouver la quantitA correspondant A chaque nombre et vice versa. Jeu de mA moire et jeu sur les nombres
Pirates chanceux – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game?
Fantomes Pieges – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – One corner staved in – Multilingual game
Mes Premiers Jeux – Noisette Range ! – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game?
Mon Premier Verger – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game?
Trotte Quenotte – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game?
Jeu de Classement – La Journee de M. Grenouille
This game of classification allows to recognize in a playful way the different moments of the day and their course. It stimulates the fine motor skills and the recognition of quantities.
Tangram-Mix Multicolore
This assembly game stimulates fine motor skills, playfully trains the recognition and classification of shapes and colors and contains 20 template cards printed on both sides.
Jeu Enficher – Anneaux Multicolores
A special experience for colourful little friends!
Jeu Enficher – Petite Chenille
1, 2, 3, 4 … how many small legs does the caterpillar have?
Jeu Enficher – Jardin de fleurs
In this beautiful flower garden, everything grows and blooms.
Jeu de Lacage – A la Campagne
To associate in its own way or according to the illustrations on the maps?
Jeu de Lacage – Le Dragon aux Chiffres
This funny creature helps to know the numbers