Jeu de Lacage – On sHabille !
Discover Haba’s Lacing Game: Let’s Dress Up! for children from 3 years old.
Puzzles – Au pays fantastique
Discover the Fantastic Land Puzzles – 48 pieces of Haba for children from 5 years old
Mes Premiers Jeux : Bonjour Petit Pot
Players help Pia or Paul reach the pot quickly. The dice decide: either the pot goes forward or you have to drink. But an accident happens so quickly! By the end, all players will be used to using the pot.
Jeu Enficher – Plaisir des Formes
Jeu A Enficher – Plaisir des Formes is ideal for younger children to learn geometric shapes and colour recognition. Five model cards printed on both sides allow you to create several figures to be plugged in and thus develop your child’s fine motor skills.
Roi en Equilibre !
King Leo dozes off now and then, although he should really be keeping an eye on his valuable silver treasure!
Kling Klang Wald
Every animal of the Ding-Dong-Forest knows how to play an instrument. Only little mouse Mia cannot decide which one she wants to play.
Jeu dassemblage en 3D Cube Tangram
The 3D assembly game Cube Tangram stimulates spatial representation and fine motor skills thanks to the countless possibilities of constructions and games.
Divertissement Sonore Musical
Point your ears, as there are many different noises to be heard.
Jeu d’Assemblage en 3D Quatre fois Quatre
This game promotes spatial representation and fine motor skills. The constructions, games and creative assembly are unlimited.
Jeu Empilement Tour Culbuto
The Culbuto Tower stimulates fine motor skills and perseverance as well as the understanding of balance. This wobbly tower offers many possibilities.
Mes Premiers Jeux: Bonjour Petit Pot – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game
Puzzle en Bois – Amis des chiffres
Wooden jigsaw puzzle in different sizes to learn how to count
Jeu de Couleurs classement puzzle
What colour is the frog and what colour is the strawberry?
Cachette Partie
Felix Finderfox and his friends are playing hide and seek! But who is hiding behind which bush?A
Kikou le coucou
The first person to lay all of their eggs can then put the cuckoo on the nest and win the game.
La sorciere etourdie
Il est minuit au beau milieu de la forA t aux sorciA res ! La sorciA re A tourdie est en train de prA parer sa cA lA bre potion magique.
Le Manege des Animaux
Every animal has its own home …. but the terrible friends have a lot of fun with the spinning disc and often change their places.
Hop ! Hop ! Galopons ! – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – One corner staved in – Multilingual game