Help nature reclaim what is hers by restoring a polluted valley to its pristine state. Place your animal dominoes along the course of a brook and replant the surrounding land to score points. But when is the best moment to plant each of your various plants? And where are the best spots to do so? These are the questions you must answer to win.
Britannia: Classic and Duel Edition
Britannia is back! The classic returns with a new edition that includes over 200 miniatures and a new game mode : Duel, for two players on a new map!
Rome & Roll
64 AD: Rome is burnt to cinders, in need of rebuilding. With the city weakened, distant settlements across the empire refuse to pay taxes and need reminding of the power of Rome. Emperor Nero gathers the most influential members of the city with a clear task: rebuild Rome and recapture the settlements.
Quartermaster General: The Cold War
Quartermaster General: The Cold War depicts the struggle between the aspirations of the Soviet Bloc, the West, and the Non-Aligned nationalist independence movements throughout the developing world.
Renature – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – One corner staved in – Game in english