Crimes – La Belle Epoque (poche)
Excerpt from the Manuel de l’EnquA teur of the french roleplaying game Crimes, this book contains everything you need to discover the Belle Epoque, with its political, geopolitical, social, and religious trends, and to familiarize yourself with the fin de siA cle atmosphere.
Billet Rouge
Officiellement mise en quarantaine, les hauts murs qui entourent la citA da A dimbourgA dissimulent au reste du monde un inquiA tant secret. En vA ritA , la A pidA mie de peste na aA jamais A tA la rA elle cause de ces fortifications. Cette maladie aA A tA A radiquA e, mais pas ce qui en a dA coulA .
Montsegur 1244
MontsA gur 1244 est un conte ludique.Vous incarnez des personnages historiques, ayant luttA pour leurs croyances… jusqua A la mort !Vous interprA tez des cathares du chA teau de MontsA gur durant six moments clefs de la histoire des hA rA tiques albigeois. Chapitre aprA s chapitre, vos choix dA terminent votre sort.i
Crimes – Action et Criminologie
Excerpt from the Manuel de la EnquA teur this pocket-sized book contains everything you need to familiarize yourself with the game system that defines the rules of a Crimes game, as well as criminological notions.
Crimes – Paris, le Contexte – 2
Excerpt from the Manuel de l’EnquA teur, this pocket-sized book contains everything you need to continue exploring the Parisian context with the following thematic files : The Anti-Semitic Wound, The War of Crime, The Church in Peril, The Mud of Occultism, The Apostles of Medicine.
Crimes – Paris, le Contexte – 1
Excerpt from the Manuel de l’EnquA teur, this pocket-sized book contains everything you need to discover Parisian life as well as the following thematic files: The police war, The press, The anarchist threat, The republic of scandals.
Crimes – Alter ego et Psychologie
An excerpt from the Manuel de la EnquA teur for the french roleplaying game Crimes, this book contains everything you need to create your character, know how to embody him and use his skills, psychology, equipment and investigative styles.