Beasty Bar
The parties in Como Dragona s Beasty Bar are legendary. Neither the big beasties nor the small ones want to miss them.
Small World – Leaders
The expansion consists of 24 leader tokens that are neither a race nor a power. When you pick a new race, you can opt to take its leader. The leader acts as an additional race token. The leader, however, disappears as soon as the race goes into decline.
Petits Chevaux
A classic game of Ludo to rediscover as a family around fun theme and colourful images.
Grog Island
The core of Grog Island is its unique auction mechanism, which uses five colored dice. The players use these dice and the pips on them to create and raise bids.
King’s Gold
The Caribbean islands were once a lawless cove run by merchant marines transporting stolen treasures. When news reached the King that these pirates were amassing great riches, he ordered a cut of their loot.
Cyclades – Extension Titans
Cyclades: Titans, the second expansion for Cyclades, includes a new game board with large islands on which ground attacks can be carried out as well as the Titans of Greek legend, who can conduct attacks without the help of Ares.
Zombies !!! 9 – Des Cendres aux Cendres
Zombies!!! 9 lets you explore your local cemetery and see if you can stop the source of the zombie scourge. What is that funny-smelling smoke coming from the crematorium, anyway?
Two thousand years ago on the borders of the Roman Empire, life goes on as might be expected a but barbarians lurk across the border, so not only must the players grow grain in the fields, catch fish, and chop wood, but they must also maintain watchmen in a clever network of watchtowers to keep a lookout for fires and barbarian attacks.
Ricochet Robot
Ricochet Robots is less of a game and more of a puzzle, which explains why there’s such an odd number of solutions possible.