ABC Dring !
You will need to have vocabulary and be quick: T… like toucan! Ring !!!
Wizard Extreme
After his sensational discovery several years ago, the English archaeologist D. Hensch Stone set off again on an expedition.
A l’ecole des fantomes – le jeu de cartes
Today, little ghosts must demonstrate they are able to scare the inhabitants of the castle, saying out loud “Ooh! “. But they shou
Heckmeck Junior
The players, by rolling the dice of ingredients for Mac Heck Burger, try to become the “King of the Dayworm”.
Funkenschlag : Fabrikmanager
Each player owns a factory and tries to earn the most money during the game.
Quiet as a Mouse
A softly, the mice Silvio sneaks into the castle to steal a piece of royal cheese. But beware: the alarm bells are not ringing! With skill,
Premier verger (mon)
Mes premiers jeux – Mon premier verger. Un jeu classique A Le verger A revisitA pour les tout-petits : les rA gles sont adaptA es A l’A ge des…
Pyjama Party
An incredibly funny girl’s game to liven up pyjama parties. Tears of laughters, secrets, revelations : unforgettable moments to share with friends and to write in a secret book.
Mini Family
A game of Happy Families by Djeco, within the reach of the youngest with 7 fantastical families of 4 characters.
Verger – le jeu de cartes (le)
The orchard trees are covered with beautiful ripe fruit. Hurry to pick them because the crow is already on their way to get these delicious
Mamma mia Plus
This is a re-make of Mamma Mia! that incorporates cards from Sole Mio!
Princes of Machu Picchu (The)
Lorsque les Espagnols ont conquis l’Empire inca, seuls quelques princes ont rA ussit A s’enfuir dans les montagnes. Bien cachA au-dessus de la rivi
In Kakerlakensuppe players work together to create a soup from leeks, peppers, carrot and mushrooms a but they won’t always be saying which ingredient they’re adding to the pot!
Pouet ! Pouet !
Mime and sound game. The players have to guess what is illustrated on the card by sound or mime…
Funkenschlag Extension 4 : China / Korea
The 4th expansion for Funkenschlag, with boards for Korea and China.