Ma Grande Collection de Jeux : Le Verger
This game collection contains versatile materials made of wood and cardboard for 10 highly diverse matching games, card games, tactile feeling games and die games.
Clever hoch Drei
In Clever Hoch Drei, gamers can expect completely new challenges and decisions compared to its two predecessors…
Peloponnes – Heroes and Colonies
Ancient Greece is striving for new land for building colonies, which give your civilization individualized advantages and disadvantages. Build prestigious buildings, gain new land, and take advantage of your hero. But beware of the threat of the Persians and the other civilizations, who unite only when defending against the Persians.
The sun shines brightly on the canopy of the forest, the trees use this wonderful energy to grow up and develop their beautiful foliage.
Peloponnes Card Game
The Peloponnese – home of the mighty and proud city-states, the ‘poleis’.Lead one of them through the ages, gaining fame and prosperity while weathering disaster.
Keltis + Expansion
Les joueurs posent des cartes numA rotA es pour avancer leurs pions le plus loin possible sur les chemins de pierres de diffA rentes couleurs. Les ca…
Ils ont A tA les peuples les plus puissants de leur temps: les Carthaginois, les Romains, les HellA nes, les A gyptiens et les Perses.i
Dino des chiffres
1, 2, 3 … Qui pourra aider le dinosaure A compter ? Il faut trouver la quantitA correspondant A chaque nombre et vice versa. Jeu de mA moire et jeu sur les nombres
Blood Rage : Mystics of Midgard Expansion
Known by many names (SeiA menn, VA lva, VA sendakona, etc.) and possessed of different powers granted by their connection to the gods, these warrior-shamans will be a boon to any clan able to recruit them!
Blood Rage : Gods of Asgard
The Gods of A sgard expansion: Only two gods will be part of each game session. Randomly draw two god cards and place them next to the board so all players can see their powers. At the end of the initial setup, shuffle the RagnarA k tokens that are not on the board or on the Age Track and draw two of them …
Roll to the Top ! Laminate
Roll to the Top! Laminate is a clever Roll & Write game
Archipelago : Solo Expansion
Cette extension vous permet de jouer A Archipelago en solitaire au travers de 27 scA narios trA s diffA rents et rejouables afin d’amA liorer vos performances et votre classement.Incarnez Christophe Colomb, Robinson CrusoA , Barbe Bleue et bien d’autres encore et rA alisez au mieuxles objectifs qui vous sont proposA s !
Super Mario Labyrinth
Mamma mia!a Where is Super Mario? The small, mustached plumber has hidden in the crazy Labyrinth along with Luigi, Yoshi Princess Peach, Donkey Kong and other characters from the Super Marioa games.
Harry Potter Magical Beasts
In this action-packed game, you play as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger or Ginny Weasley. Collect clues to track down the creatures inside and outside of Hogwarts! The dynamic, rotating game board adds a touch of originality that will keep you entertained for hours.
Funkenschlag : Mittlerer Osten/Sudafrika Erw. 12 (Recharged Version)
This extension is compatible with the basic games Funkenschlag (reloaded version) and Funkenschlag (classic version) and offers a reversible game board (Middle East and South Africa).
Funkenschlag (Recharged Version)
Funkenschlag (Recharged Version) is the revised version of the classic Funkenschlag. Each player will be the head of a company that will have to develop an entire power grid to supply the cities.
Scythe – Modular Board
The Scythe modular board adds a new level of variability to Scythe, with the map (double-sided board and 4 big double-sided tiles) and the faction locations (home base tiles) changing every time you play. The modular board adds a drafting element to setup, along with a variant for a tighter map at low player counts.
Roll to the Top! – Special Challenges
5 Special Challenges pads for Roll to the Top!