Operation Amon-Re
Pendant des mois, les cambrioleurs se sont prA parA s A leur opA ration A Amon RA A et cette nuit, ils vont passer A la acte !
Tsuro of the Seas
The basic game play of Tsuro of the Seas resembles that of Tom McMurchie’s Tsuro: Players each have a ship that they want to sail a that is, keep on the game board a as long as possible. Whoever stays on the board the longest wins the game.
Les joueurs dA veloppent une zone rurale, du dA but de la rA volution industrielle aux temps modernes. Ils aident leurs villages A affronter les pA riodes difficiles et construisent des maisons pour attirer de nouveaux rA sidents. Au fil du temps, des usines sont A rigA es et les petits villages se mA tamorphosent en citA s prospA res.i
Rumble in the Dungeon
Rumble in the Dungeon is a simple bluffing and guessing game for the whole family.
Jeux des Tout Petits – Little Cooperation
This cooperative game teaches the little ones to play and win together.
A fast-paced “war” game. The first to obtain all elements in his puzzle wins.
Rapido Meteo
Having a good auditive memory and being fast is the key in this game.
Jeux des Tout Petits – Little Association
The rabbit lives in the vegetable garden, the cow in the meadow and the frog in the pond.
Jeux des Tout Petits – Little memo
Animals are in the meadow but one of them is hidden behind the bush.
Jeux des Tout Petits – Little observation
Little butterflies are flying around in the garden. Who will be the most observant and catch the butterfly that matches the combination of dice?
Hop ! Hop ! Galopons !
Les chevaux ont passA une belle journA e dans le prA , mais ils doivent vite rentrer A la ferme.
Jeu de Peche Aimantee – Fishing Tropic
Who will be the first to get most of the 12 tropical fishes?
Jeu de Peche Aimantee – Fishing Colour
Who will be the first to get most of the 12 tropical fishes?
Domino Couleurs
Domino of 28 pieces, representing animals and numbers of different colours.
Code Couleur
Cassez le code, couche par couche! Choisissez l’une des 100 figures et recrA ez-la en combinant les bonnes plaquettes.
Jolie Fleurette
Pour Jolie Fleurette, il n’y a rien de plus agrA able au monde que de se promener dans les prA s toute la journA e. Et qu’y fait elle ? Elle cueill…
Players will need dexterity, ingenuity and perseverance to succeed in building the amazing vertical structures featured in Equilibrio.
Players construct 3D models based on illustrations in perspective. From simple shapes to complex structures, players develop stronger notions of geometric concepts and 3D visualisation.
Bla Bla Bla
Combine images, tell stories… a simple and fun game to encourage discussion.
Story Cubes
Each jumbo 1″ cube has 6 images or icons, with a total of 54 all-different hand-inlaid images that can be mixed in over 10 million ways. You roll all 9 cubes to generate 9 random images and then use these to invent a story that starts with “Once upon a time…” and uses all 9 elements as part of your narrative.