Dungeons & Dragons – Traite de Donjonologie
French edition of Dungeons & Dragons Dungeonology
City Hall- Ecran et livret de scenario
Gamemaster’s Screen for the french roleplaying game City Hall
Chroniques Oubliees : Contemporain – Maudit, le Martyr de Copper Creek
Maudit, le Martyr de Copper Creek is a campaign for the french roleplaying game Choniques OubliA es : Contemporain
Ecryme – Chemin de Traverse
Chemins de Traverse is the second sourcebook for the french roleplaying game Ecryme
Ecryme – Premiere Trame
PremiA re Trame is the first sourcebook for the french roleplaying game Ecryme.
Ecryme – Coffret de Base
Ecryme is a french steampunk roleplaying game based on the novel by Mathieu Gaborit
Skull & Bones – 1918
La premiA re guerre mondiale touche A sa fin. Et dans son ombre s’activent et d’affrontent les sorciers de Skull & Bones et les Docteurs de la Multitude. PA nA trez plus avant dans le conflit et sa face cachA e grA ce aux quatre dossiers de ce volume
Skull & Bones – Initiative
Skull & Bones – Initiative is a beginner kit for the french roleplaying game Skull & Bones
La Legende des Cinq Anneaux – Boite d’initiation
La LA gende des Cinq Anneaux – Boite d’initiation allows anyone to take on the role of a Samurai in Rokugan With a full range of four character folios, a fully realized adventure book, a set of custom dice, a map of Rokugan
Le Sorceleur : Livre 2 – LEpee de la Providence
French edition of the second tome of The Witcher.
Le Sorceleur : Livre 1 – Le Dernier Voeu
French edition of the first tome of The Witcher
Cthulhu Hack – Dossier de personnage
A deluxe character sheet for the french edition of Cthulhu Hack
Caza et le Mythe
Caza et le Mythe is an artbook about the work of Philippe Caza based on the Cthulhu Mythos
Mindjammer – Les Colons
Les Colons is a sourcebook for the french edition of Mindjammer.
Starfinder – Collection de Pions du Livre de regles
Open the shuttle bay doors and bring your science fantasy adventures to life with this beautiful pawn collection, designed for use with french edition of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop roleplaying game!
Vampire : l’Age des Tenebres – Domaines de l’Age des Tenebres
Domaines de l’Age des TA nA bres is a sourcebook for the french edition of Vampire: The Dark Ages
Striscia – A la Conquete dHexenberg
A la ConquA te d’Hexenberg is a sourcebook for the french roleplaying game Striscia
WWII Operation Whitebox
French edition of the roleplaying game WWII Operation Whitebox
No Country for Old Kobolds
Sourcebook for the french edition of the roleplaying game Dungeon World
Tschai – Une Planete d’Aventures
TschaA is a french sci-fi roleplaying game based on the world created by Jack Vance.