Dragon Ball Super Card Game : B08 Malicious Machinations – Booster
Second series including multicolored cards for even more fun in building your decks in a collection of 234 new cards!
Godzilla – Le jeu de Cartes
Godzilla – Le Jeu de Cartes uses the Chrono Clash turn and resource system, which allows players to strategically use their resources and accurately represents the flow of real battles, with momentum shifting from player to player as they choose the best time to throw their big moves!
YU-GI-OH! JCC – Booster Les Invocateurs Caches
Les Invocateurs CachA s is the booster of 60 cards from autumn 2018, all the cards are brilliant in this Edition, and 3 new Deck themes are introduced that use multiple methods of Invocation!
Crimes – La Belle Epoque (poche)
Excerpt from the Manuel de l’EnquA teur of the french roleplaying game Crimes, this book contains everything you need to discover the Belle Epoque, with its political, geopolitical, social, and religious trends, and to familiarize yourself with the fin de siA cle atmosphere.
Billet Rouge
Officiellement mise en quarantaine, les hauts murs qui entourent la citA da A dimbourgA dissimulent au reste du monde un inquiA tant secret. En vA ritA , la A pidA mie de peste na aA jamais A tA la rA elle cause de ces fortifications. Cette maladie aA A tA A radiquA e, mais pas ce qui en a dA coulA .
Rogue Trader : Kit du meneur
Ce somptueux kit du meneur de jeu vous aidera A lancer vos explorateurs sur de lucratives aventures ! AbritA derriA re ce robuste A cran, vous pourr…
Dans ce jeu, vous vous mettez tour A tour dans la peau d’un amnA sique, tandis que les autres joueurs ont A charge, en tant que soignants, de vous conduire vers la rA cupA ration de votre passA . Choisissez un genre, mA lodrame, confession de vampires, rA cit historique ou fantastique, et dA couvrez la vA ritA .i
Chewing Game : Gem
In GEM, you want to acquire the most beautiful collection of precious stones. A game from the Chewing Game range.
Chewing Game : Dig
You’re a dog looking for bones in the garden. But the more bones you dig up, the less you can move. A game from the Chewing Game series.
Les Gratounets
Listen up, Hearmees builders! We need to expand our city! The supervisor whips out his clawky-talky and claw-ita and off we go.
Sherlock Holmes – Detective Conseil : Les Meurtres de la Tamise et Autres Enquetes
Have you ever had the desire to walk the streets of Victorian London with Sherlock Holmes in search of Professor Moriarty?
Detective – Saison 1 – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Game in french
Monza – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Box damaged – Multilingual game?
Haute Tension : Le Jeu de Cartes – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – Very damaged box (large tear on the front, hole) – Game in french
Les Contrees de l’Horreur – Les Contrees du Reve – Bargain
Wrapped box – Intact game material – One corner staved in – Game in french
Res Arcana : Goodies
Set of Goodies for Res Arcana. Please note: as the quantities allocated to us are limited, we only can give a single one per copy ordered. Please add this goodies while ordering the base game or add-on. If you have already bought a Res Arcana game please specify in comment the concerned order number. Please also note that an order cannot be only composed by goodies.
Honey Yummy
Bzz Bzz! The bees gather pollen from flower to flower and cooperate to fill the hive with honey.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game : Expansion Booster 3 – Boite de 24 Boosters
Box of 24 boosters of the Expansion Booster 03 containing only New Cards!
Colt Express – Bandits : Belle
What if your opponents are not only your friends but also the game itself… this is Belle, The Gold Digger !